Welcome Back Stallions

School Site Rules and Expectations

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a systems approach focused on the prevention of misbehavior and on positive reinforcement. A variety of methods are used to identify, encourage, and support desired scholar behavior. PBIS boosts school culture and positive behavior throughout the school environment which leads to enhanced academic performance.
Our school has PRIDE!!  Video is provided by Mrs. Delgado's 5th grade scholars.          Pride Video
Scholar Expectations:

Mulcahy Middle School Behavior Expectations


Classroom/ ERC

Halls / Grounds

Cafeteria / Lunch Lines







Come to class prepared

Take care of classroom equipment

Actively participate in class

Place trash in cans

Take care of  school property

Use equipment appropriately

Raise your hand to get up out of your seat.

Clean up after yourself - trash goes in appropriate can

Emergency phone calls only

Make arrangements before school

Keep facilities clean

Place trash in cans

Wash hands

Return materials to proper place

Return books on time

Use equipment/ materials appropriately

Pick up after yourself

Do not damage the bus

No eating or drinking on the bus

Choose wisely - Who should I sit by?

Leave belongings in class

Be Respectful

Treat others the way you want to be treated

Follow directions/  Raise hand

Keep all personal electronics put away

Use appropriate language

Head to class when the bell rings

Keep all personal electronics put away

Stand in your line

Speak quietly

Use your manners (please and thank you)

Wait quietly for assistance

Address adults respectfully

Enter only for serious business

Get in, get out

Return to class quickly

No personal electronics

Speak quietly

Stand in line

Use your manners (please and thank you)

Treat others the way you want to be treated

Be on time

Enter quietly and listen for instructions

Give speaker your full attention

Respond appropriately

Be Safe

Keep hands, objects, and feet to yourself

Say yes to the vest


Keep hands, objects, and feet to yourself

Sit on benches


Keep hands, objects, and feet to yourself

Wait to be excused


Stay in front of counter

Handle office business by yourself - no friends

4 at a time

Speak quietly


Say yes to the vest

Listen to the driver’s instructions

Use your inside voice

Stay in your seat at all times

Keep hands, objects, and feet to yourself

Face forward, legs crossed

Do not move seats